Monday, November 10, 2008


Go to:

For a selection of pictures... it's a bit deceiving... we truly did volunteer! We just couldn't take pictures to prove it:( Hopefully our blogs have painted you a picture of those experiences:) Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I thought I saw Andrea in the facebook pictures, but I didn't even think about the name! I've been told to go to Thailand- the #1tourist party/exotic location in the world. You guys look like you're having so much fun! I think it will be hard to go back to volunteering after such a beautiful break!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Pictures finally! I loved them - you girls are darling, oh to be young again... That is what every women over 35 is saying as they look at all of you! Take good care of Lexi, we want her back - it feels like it has been toooo long!

Phil Kenealy said...

I want one of them there gelatos

wardgrl said...

Ive enjoyed reading your blog and LOVE the pictures- I agree with Gerri Ann-oh to be young again... you girls are amazing- stay safe and I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.
Madame Sonia Ghandi

Anonymous said...

I love the pics, was able to sneak a peek at Andreas on FB, and now we're FB buddies! Can you bring me home a monkey?? Dawson needs a new playmate when baby Hektoen is born!

Lots of Love-
Us Hektoens