Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Commenting on our Blog

Hey Reader:)

If you want to comment on our blog and you do not have a google account, you have to click the anonymous button under your message. Just make sure to sign your name in your message so we know who wrote the message! Thanks a million:)



Mike H said...

This is great. Thanks for setting this up. I am sure it will be a great help.

Anonymous said...

Danielle! i am praying that God will do whatever it takes to draw you closer to Him. You will not come back the same:) love you! Lucy

Gao Fei and Nian Ci said...

We are looking forward to reading all about your adventures. Having recently been there we should be able to visualize a lot.
Blessings, Greg & Jean

Gao Fei and Nian Ci said...

I will be praying for all of you as you serve the people of Kolkata.
May the glory of the Lord shine through each one of you as you show His love to these wonderful people!!! Thanks for being a blessing in their lives! Eat some curry & Nan bread for me - I miss it!
And thank God for your hearing everytime the taxi honking seems too loud! Have an awesome time - We Did!!!!!!!!! Jean Giles

Samantha said...

I am soo excited for you!! I will definitly check your blog to see how you are doing and the amazing things you will do in India!! Love you girl!

BethAHektoen said...

This blog is such a fantastic idea! To Lexie and Erin since I didnt get to wish you well before you left-many hugs and best wishes and to Danelle and B stay strong and know that you are never too far from home.
Let me know if you guys need ANYTHING, I can send a carepackage like a pro...afterall I am going to be a mommy soon gotta practice my skills!

Lots of love-Beth, Drew, Macy and Dawson

Anonymous said...

OK, you've been there for at least 8 hours....HOW ABOUT SOME PIC's? Love you, Dani -- Dad.

Anonymous said...

Dani, so is everything going smoothly so far? Or is God beginning His tests already... Let me know I'm excited to hear them.

marg said...

We miss you already!! I hope you are well and safe. Have fun and please let us know ASAP that you are OK and made it there safely!! We are thinking about you all the time!!
Love you,

Leatrice Dewey said...


This is such a neat way to keep everyone up to date. I hope so far so good. Looking forward in reading about and seeing pictures of your adventure.

Love you Auntie

Anonymous said...

Danielle, hope things are going well. The Flood group will be praying for all of you. Danny

Anonymous said...

Danielle, Honey, are you feeling better, did you get my e-mal?? Sounds like India is an incredible country and you have to see to believe all the poverty etc. that you girls have described. Tell Erin she did an excellent job describing your current conditions. Also, thanks to Lexi and Bridgette for taking care of you when you fainted and were sick. love you and praying for you 4 girls!!! Mom ( Colleen)